ムーンライトセッションは、満月ごとにYouTubeで生放送される毎月のセッションです。 これらの30分間のセッションは、教育と学習のための新しい革新的なアイデアを生み出すことを目的としています。

Moonlight Sessions are monthly sessions broadcast live on YouTube during each full moon. These 30-minute sessions are aimed at bringing new, innovative ideas for teaching and learning. 

moonLight SessionS 2024


Topic: 教員が一般企業で働いてみた

Venue: Online Broadcast on YouTube

Date: Sunday, March 17

日付: 317


Topic: 大言語モデルとオブジェクト指向プロンプト

Venue: Online Broadcast on YouTube

Date: Sunday, February 18

日付: 2月18日


Topic: 生成AIで遊んでみよう | Generative AI for Learning

Venue: Online Broadcast on YouTube

Date: Sunday, January 21

日付: 1月21日

moonLight SessionS 2023

moonLight Session #36

17 December 2023 | 21:00-21:30PM JST


Akiyoshi Mukaiyama

moonLight Session #35

19 November 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST



Ryota Nishino

In 2023 Ryota started teaching mainly English at the Faculty of Business Management, Meijo University. Previously, he taught at the University of the South Pacific, Fiji and Nagoya University. His research projects explore travelogues, historical memory and war memory.

moonLight Session #34

13 October 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

齋藤 浩司


Koji Saito

In 1985, he was hired by Yokohama Municipal Junior High School, and in 2022, he retired early from his position as principal of Yokohama Municipal Junior High School and began traveling around Japan. In March 2023, he established a general incorporated association called "Toe Hatae". Started "Kikuna Kazumi Juku" in Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, to provide learning support for truant children. Currently, he is an advisor to 137 Corporation, Jonan Preparatory School Corporation, and Meihokan High School. He leads the GIGA Chatting Exchange Group (online) every Saturday at 7:00 pm.

moonLight Session #33

10 September 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

平間  健介

Mr. Kensuke Hirama

moonLight Session #32

27 August 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

稲田 健実

Takemi Inada

moonLight Session #31

31 July 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST


Ms. Maiko Okuda


Evolution of the GIGA School Plans in Oki’s Schools (Shimane Prefecture)

moonLight Session #30

17 June 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

川浪 隆之 

Takayuki  Kawanami


Utilizing Google in full, information at a girls' high school 1

moonLight Session #29

21 May 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST




校内のGIGA推進担当として「Google Workspace for Education」を活用した教育活動を進めている。また、千葉県授業づくりコーディネーターとしてICTを活用し「主体的・対話的で深い学び」を実現する授業の実践に取り組む。


Hasama Junior High School, Chiba, Japan 

(Science Teacher)

As a GIGA promoter in the school, he is promoting educational activities using Google Workspace for Education. In addition, as a coordinator for class development in Chiba Prefecture, he is working on the implementation of classes that realize "independent, interactive, and deep learning" through the use of ICT.


Creating Educational Materials - Using Edpuzzle 3.0

moonLight Session #28

16 April 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST


Mariko Higuchi







Osamu Yata







The Value of Cross-School Exchange for Students & Self-Understanding Through Exploration of Individual Themes

moonLight Session #27

19 March 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

神谷 耕一  









Metaverse use in Junior High School Geography

moonLight Session #26

19 February 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

乾 武司



Kinki University 

High School and Junior High School



Relaxed conversation about an education experience in Finland, revealing Finland's attractiveness for learning!

moonLight Session #25

29 January 2023 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

駒田 健志


GEG Tsuリーダー、Google認定イノベーター、



Tsu City Kita Rissei Elementary School

GEG Tsu Leader, Google Certified Innovator, and

Currently in the Graduate School of Teaching at Mie University

Focusing  on elementary school Japanese language stories.

Google Jamboardで協働的対話のある小学校国語授業を!〜書写ワークショップを中心に〜

Elementary School Japanese Class with Collaborative Dialogue on Google Jamboard! 〜Focusing on a Workshop of Calligraphy and Copying

moonLight SessionS 2022

moonLight Session #24

18 December 2022 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

名古屋芸術大学 教育学部子ども学科


(教授学習支援システム、ICT の活用、学習評価、データ活用など

Affiliation: Nagoya University of Arts, Faculty of Education, Department of Children's Studies

Formerly engaged in system development and system integration in various industries/businesses such as finance, distribution, manufacturing, transportation, and administration as a system engineer in an information processing company.

His research fields include educational engineering (teaching and learning support systems, ICT utilization, learning evaluation, data utilization, etc.).


What should programming education in elementary schools be like?

moonLight Session #23

20 November 2022 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

No bio

Bio なし


西村氏は英語教員として宮城県で29年、群馬県で半年間勤務されました。LEGO®︎SERIOUS PLAY®︎メソッドと教材活用トレーニング修了認定ファシリテータとして活躍中です。目標は、「流れの無料ファシリテータ」。

moonLight Session #22

23 October 2022 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

Nicholas J. Wilson is a public school English teacher and curriculum developer. He is a VIA22 Google Innovator, and member of the local board of education’s Digital Transformation Committee. He is also the founder of ALT Agorà, an initiative designed to support assistant language teachers.

Nicholas J. Wilson は、公立学校の英語教師、そしてカリキュラム開発者です。 VIA22 Google Innovator であり、地方教育委員会のデジタル トランスフォーメーション(DX推進)のメンバーの1人です。また、外国語のアシスタント教師(ALT)を支援するためのイニシアチブである ALT Agorà の創設者でもあります。

GIGAスクールからGoogle for Education のイノベーターへ

2020年から文部科学省のGIGAスクールのおかげで、日本の学校がデジ タル世界に入りました。



Google Innovatorになりたい方、そしてGIGAスクールのことをもっと聞きたい方はぜひご参加ください。

moonLight Session #21

25 September 2022 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

Glenn is a Lecturer in English Education at Aichi Prefectural University. He has an M.A. in Applied Linguistics (TESOL/TEFL) from the University of Birmingham.

moonLight Session #20

29 August 2022 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

moonLight Session #19

31 July 2022 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

moonLight Session #18

19 June 2022 | 19:00-19:30PM JST

moonLight Session #17

16 May 2022 | 9:00-9:30PM JST

moonLight Session #16

17 April 2022 | 9:00-9:30PM JST

moonLight Session #15

18 March 2022 | 9:00-9:30PM JST

moonLight Session #14

18 February 2022 | 9:00-9:30PM JST

moonLight Session #13

20 January 2022 | 9:00-9:30PM JST

moonLight SessionS 2021

moonLight Session #12

19 December 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube

1. A new book!

2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. A new book!

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams

3. Next Events Update

moonLight Session #11

19 November 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube

1. GEG 名古屋 - Google Arts & Culture

2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. GEG Nagoya - Google Arts & Culture

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams

3. Next Events Update

moonLight Session #10

20 October 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube

1. 梅下 博道先生


2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム x 3つ

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. Guest Speaker: Mr. Hiromichi Umeshita speaking on 'Halloween with Kahoot!.

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams x 3

3. Next Events Update

moonLight Session #9

27 September 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube

1. 前多 昌顕先生


2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム x 3つ

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. Guest Speaker: Mr. Masaaki Maeta speaking on 'Flipgrid and Canva for Video in the Classroom'.

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams x 3

3. Next Events Update

moonLight Session #8

22 August 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube

1. Wayne Jackson氏


2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム x 3つ

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. Guest Speaker: Mr. Wayne Jackson speaking on 'Engaging Activities with Google Slides in the English Classroom'.

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams x 3

3. Next Events Update

While the potential uses for this application in the classroom are endless, Mr. Jackson will provide a journeyman's look at how he uses it in his elementary school and language school lessons for children, such as for interactive lesson plans, digital flashcards, online worksheets, YouTube video playlists, and more.

moonLight Session #7

24 July 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube

1. David Kluge 教授: 


2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム x 3つ

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. Guest Speaker: Professor David Kluge speaking on 'Evaluating Online Living Newspaper Readers Theater Performances'.

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams x 3

3. Next Events Update

moonLight Session #6 Special pub night event

25 June 2021 - 8PM to 10PM JST Details coming soon!

内容はこちらです。Details are here!

moonLight Session #5

26 May 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube

1. グエストスピーカー:野沢和典教授


2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム x 3つ

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. Guest Speaker: Professor Kazunori Nozawa - Project-Based Learning: Video Projects and Their Effectiveness

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams x 3

3. Next Events Update

moonLight Session #4

27 April 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube!

1. グエストスピーカー:ラムジー・ラムジー先生


2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム x 3つ

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. Guest Speaker: Ramzi Ramzi on Gaming in the Classroom

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams x 3

3. Next Events Update

moonLight Session #3

29 March 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube!

1. アンディー・ブーン博士:



2. GEGリーダーのデモスラム x 3つ

3. 次回のイベントの発表

1. Dr. Andy Boon: Creating a Series of Life-Skills Readers

2. GEG Leader Demo Slams x 3

3. Next Events

moonLight Session #2

27 February 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube!

1. デモスラム 3つ

2. デジタルの物語を創るために必要なこと

3. ブッククリエーター(Book Creator)

4. Google Slidesを使っての紙芝居

5. 絵を見てみんなでストーリーを考え話し合おう

1. GEG Leader Demo Slams

2. Approaches to Digital Storytelling

3. Book Creator

4. Picture Stories with Google Slides

5. Finding a Story in Pictures

moonLight Session #1

29 January 2021 - 9PM JST YouTubeでアクセスWatch on YouTube!

1. GEGとは? GEGの歴史は?

2. イベントについて

3. どうやって参加しますか?

4. なぜテクノロジー? なぜグーグル?

5. GEG APACリーダーからのメッセージ

1. What is GEG? What is GEG history?

2. What does GEG Nagoya do?

3. How can you participate?

4. Why technology? Why Google?

5. Messages from GEG APAC Leaders